Glō & Beka

Meet The Midwives

Choosing the right midwife is a very important part of your birth story. If you are in the Kansas City metro area and are interested in learning more about our homebirth midwifery care, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Kansas City Midwife

Gloria Hines, CPM

I am a midwife and had the heart of a midwife before it was a title for me. I grew up within birth culture and have seen the empowering nature of home birth for women and families since I can remember. Being an advocate for women in their most needed time is what encourages my spirit more than anything. It is my joy to journey with women as they overcome and find gratitude and surrender in the deep places. 


My official journey to midwifery started in 2017. I graduated in March of 2021 with 200 births attended under the wonderful training of Amber Walla, then was hired by the legendary Debbie Perry right before graduating and worked there for 2 years. It was a safe place to expand my wings of learning how to be a good and appropriate care provider. I continue to keep on top of the most evidence-based practice with the mother’s choice at the center of care. I currently have been to over 450 births and serve low-risk women all over Kansas City. I am a Certified Professional Midwife through NARM and am always looking for ways to become the best midwife I can be. My goal in midwifery is to change the worldwide statistics for maternal and neonatal mortality rates. I am seeking to raise up missionary midwives and then send them back to their communities causing a ripple effect in their people group and the world, in turn, raising the bar for maternity care and saving lives.


I live in south Kansas City I come from a family of 11 sisters, it’s my claim to fame! And yes, they’ve all agreed to have me as their midwife. I believe the Lord designed birth and He didn’t make any mistakes. Keeping it as close to His design as possible keeps it as safe as possible. He has a plan for you in this, and it’s not to suffer but to surrender and trust in Him. It’s to learn to lean and grow into the mother you’re called to be – not in your strength but in His. No woman should go through labor without an advocate, encourager, educator, and midwife that is truly on her side.

Kansas City Midwife

Rebekah Hoover, CPM

Hi, I’m Rebekah, but people often refer to me as BusyBeka because I always have to be working towards a goal! I am mostly known for my drive to serve others and my passion for birth and adoption. I love influencing the world one birth at a time helping mothers have a birth experience where they feel 100% supported. Other than that, I am passionate about my relationship with Jesus, my beautiful family, and being active in nature.


I have an amazing supportive husband of 20 years and we have 6 beautiful children ranging from 8 to 19 years old. What really makes our family unique is that two of our six children are adopted and through two very different ways. Our 5th child was adopted locally through a local agency and I was able to be present at her birth and induce lactation to nurse her. When we decided to adopt again, we did embryo adoption and I gave birth to our adopted Filipino son!


My passion for birth was sparked in 2012 while supporting a friend at her birth. It was after that that I learned about professional doulas and knew I wanted to do that and got certified as a doula through CAPPA. After serving countless clients and starting to experience home birth it made attending hospital births more and more painful watching the medical system steamroll clients and using fear to get them to do what they wanted. Over time my desire grew to become a midwife myself so I could be a part of the solution and give clients individualized care. Giving them evidence-based information but ultimately letting them make the decision that feels right for their bodies and baby. I trained with the amazing Amber Walla, CPM who graciously showed me the ins and outs of midwifery care. I have attended more than 240 births as of Nov 2022 including several breeches and twins. Between that, endless books, and several in-person workshops I was ready to take my midwifery boards and passed in August of 2022 and am now a Certified Professional Midwife, through NARM (North American Registry of Midwives). However, just because I am certified and have lots of experience, it does not mean learning stops. Continuing education is of the utmost importance to me. Things are constantly evolving and I want to always be learning through all forms of training to sharpen my knowledge and skills. 

What Are The Numbers?

Happy Births Combined
Breastfeeding Success

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