Glory Birth Blog

Midwifery And Home Birth Blog
Pregnant Woman Calling Someone On A Cellphone
You’re heading into the interview and suddenly you go blank. What’s important to know? I’ve compiled the top 6 questions and topics that I have had asked in a consultation. I thought were important, well-thought-out, and intelligent questions. A good midwife loves challenging topics and...
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Breast Feeding
Every first-time mom has more than a few questions about breastfeeding. Here are some of the top 15 most frequently asked questions about breastfeeding.  I had each answer reviewed by an IBCLC lactation consultant for accuracy. When Should My Milk Come In? If this is...
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To push or not to push? What are your options in labor? There is a lot of information floating around, for different methods of pushing, or no pushing at all. So I am going to compile the options, evidence, and my experiences right here for...
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If you read part 1 of my blog, “How to Rock Natural Birth” – you’re already going to do so well with those simple and basic preparations! Part 2, the pro tips are for the moms that go the extra mile, and basic info isn’t...
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Labor and delivery can be extremely daunting. We are counting down the days from the beginning, dreading the labor, but excited to meet our little one. But the thing is, it doesn’t have to be. You can rock your birth so well that the fear...
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Stay Informed And Empowered

One of the best ways a woman can be empowered through childbirth is by obtaining knowledge. Through this blog, we hope to bring light to many different aspects of childbirth and ways to make it a cherished experience. If you have a subject in mind that you do not see on this blog, please reach out to us and let us know. We will consider putting it on the list and hope to continually add value to your experience.

Free consultation banner. Image is of pregnant woman that is holding her belly

Recent Articles

Pregnant Woman Calling Someone On A Cellphone
6 Interview Questions To Ask A Homebirth Midwife
December 18, 2022
Breast Feeding
Top 15 Breastfeeding Questions
February 23, 2019
To Push or Not to Push? What Are Your Options in Labor?
September 27, 2018